Lynette Frazier shot these films of her life in the Greater Grand Crossing neighborhood of Chicago, as well as her many travels around the globe. The collection includes the aftermath of the MLK Riots, Resurrection City in Washington, DC and the 1964 World’s Fair in New York. 8mm. Silent. 1950-1960. 31 films.
Yosh Nakazawa filmed his wife Yuri and their sons Paul and Jon during Christmases and birthdays at their Near North Side home. 16mm, Super-8. Silent. 1950-1960. 6 films.
Nicholas Osborn contributed this reel that he found in a thrift shop. It consists of a year in Chicago in 1963 and includes such historic events as the Bud Biliken parade, the NAACP annual convention and the 1963 Public School boycott. 8mm. Silent. 1963. 1 film.
The Jean Patton collection was shot by both Jean Patton and her husband Robert and documents family life in Chatham and their extensive travels overseas. Consisting of over 100 reels Jean and her husband visited China, Japan, Europe and the Caribbean and documented nearly 20 years of family celebrations and events. 16mm, 8mm, Super-8. Silent. 1940-1970. 100 films.
Leroy Roberson shot this collection documenting his extensive travels across the country with his family. Often taking his children out of school early this collection includes visits to California, Wyoming, the Hoover Dam and other sites in the American West. 8mm. Silent. 1950-1960. 32 films.
Ramon Williams shot and created these films throughout Chicago and the American South. The collection features a number of historical figures and events, including Haile Selassie’s arrival in Chicago, Althea Gibson’s landmark US Nationals win, and several Bud Billiken parades. 8mm, 16mm. Sound, Silent. 1943-1975. 161 films.