Doc Chicago Presentation: Exploring the Archives
Nov. 06,
11:30am - 12:15pm CDT
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Doc Chicago is an annual gathering for and by regional documentary filmmakers that provides a space to connect with each other, learn, and share ideas. This year, Doc Chicago will unfold as a free hybrid event from Fri, Nov 5–Sun, Nov 7. Saturday’s series of presentations will take place at the Chicago Cultural Center (while Friday and Sunday sessions will be held online). The complete schedule for Doc Chicago is here.
We’re delighted to share that SSHMP’s Archivist Justin Williams will offer a “Spotlight Presentation” on a panel of Chicago-based archives:
Exploring the Archives Panel
Who gets to decide which media projects are worth preserving? Are you
working with communities whose perspectives and history are rarely
represented? Whether you’re a filmmaker who is interested in sourcing
archival footage or want to preserve your own work, bring your questions
to our speakers: filmmaker Alex Halkin, Chiapas Media Project/Americas Media Initiative; Sara Chapman, Media Burn Archive; and Justin Williams, Southside Home Movie Project.