Brazilian Film Festival premieres student film based on SSHMP curriculum
Written by Sabrina Craig on 06.30.2022
In 2021, a group of 5th graders at South Shore Fine Arts Academy worked with Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education (CAPE) teaching artist Gustavo Jardim and CPS teacher Whitney Jean to explore the question “How can we share our cultures with the future?” using SSHMP as a creative resource. We're delighted to share that one of the short films they made, featuring scenes from the David D. and Margaret T. Pitts Collection, just premiered at the CineOP - Mostra de Cinema de Ouro Preto Film Festival in Brazil!
From the description (in Portuguese): "The exercise of recreating stories from community archives takes us to the film by 12-year-old Chimezie, a resident of south Chicago where the vast majority of the city's black community lives. The re-reading of the archive reveals nuances about the culture and the ways of looking, raises a debate about interactions and distances. The film was produced in 2021 through remote devices in a cooperation between Brazil and the USA."
Visit the link below to watch the film! (Click through the ads video first)