02.21.22: Welcome new Curriculum Development Consultant Naadia Owens
Written by Sabrina Craig on 02.21.2022
Please join us in welcoming our new Curriculum Development Consultant Naadia Owens.
We're thrilled to work with Naadia to create a range of materials
and activities to connect Chicago teachers and teaching artists to
SSHMP's archival resources.
Naadia is a progressive educator and facilitator rooted in joy, social justice, and anti-racism practices and the owner of Liberate and Transcend Curriculum Consulting. She has more than 10 years of experience creating history, social studies and humanities curricula with a focus on adolescent identity development. Naadia also has 3 years of experience coaching fellow teachers to improve their practice and pedagogy. She is an educational experimenter, self-proclaimed teacher nerd, and a thoughtful collaborator. Her mission is to support teachers as they create classrooms and hallways where every child experiences windows, mirrors and sliding doors.
"Students are at the center of everything I do. My goal is to support teachers as they listen, learn and create transformative and liberated learning environments." -Naadia Owens
Our continued gratitude to the Gaylord & Dorothy Donnelley Foundation for their support of our Curriculum Development Project. #GDDonnelley #broadeningnarratives